AN-AN IVF joins hands with Cheng Kung University ~ Empowering the forefront of reproductive medicine.
AnAn IVF Center joins hands with Cheng Kung University to become a driving force in advancing reproductive medicine.
The Era of Talent Grab Begins! AN-AN Art Baby Reproductive Medicine Group
In 2023, we deeply collaborate with the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Biotechnology, National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine.
In collaboration with Professor Wang Zhenren, we have established credit courses that not only provide education and training but also serve as a pathway for industry-academia cooperation. This initiative aims to facilitate the smooth transition of talented individuals, including graduate and undergraduate students majoring in biological sciences and medical technology, into the workforce. After graduation, they will have the opportunity to work in the field of reproductive medicine as embryologists, counselors, genetic testing technicians, and more. Together, we strive to become the driving force in advancing reproductive medicine in Taiwan.